Can AI 🖥️ find Extraterrestrial Beings👽

Can AI find Extraterrestrial Beings

Searching new life


As the UFO sightings are increasing in the past few months and as Pentagon declassified the leaked UFO sighting video by US Navy pilots and confirmed its sightings in 2004 and 2015, its a good time to discuss how the AI is being used by researchers to find these extraterrestrial lives(which we call aliens) on other stars, planets, moons, etc.So lets jump into it.

The SETI(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) goes long back in 1969 when Commander Neil Armstrong landed on Moon. After

which questions began to arise that could there be more human like creatures living out in universe and how advanced they can be because many studies suggest that there could be as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars and red dwarfs in the Milky Way, 11 billion of which may be orbiting Sun-like stars(example:TRAPPIST-1 System).

So, we can't be the only probability to be present in the whole universe.Hence as the technological advancement in the field of AI started, many SETI researchers and scientists started to use it to help them find the evidence in the photos from various satellites and telescopes.

The SETI institute is one of the institutes that is using AI to find it. AI finds order in the randomness in the data collected and analyzes if the it is normal or is it something new and unnatural.

As we are generating 54 Terabytes of new data each day, it is being used by the neural networks to train themselves. The neural nets trained generally use LSTM(Long short-term memory) models to figure out what is there.

One research paper was published in 2019 by
Gabriel G.De la Torre where a neural network was inputted an image from a crater on the dwarf planet Ceres and
Ceres AI
it identified many curious patterns including both a square and a triangle which could possibly be the bases of the ETs(Extraterrestrial beings) like we have.

I think in near future we will be able to find intelligent beings whether or not government suppresses their existence.

But some people believe that using AI for SETI will make human

prone to cognitive biases that tricks them to believe in seeing objects that would have rather rational explanation than the ET. Like it was done by NASA to debunk Apollo 18 myths.

So,if AI identifies something that our mind cannot understand, maybe our consciousness will increase in future and tell us the reality for which most of us will not be prepared of.


ceres crater spots