Human Life evolution with Intelligent Machines📚📖

Human Life evolution with Intelligent Machines📚📖

In this world , Evolution is the very fundamental way for a living being to enhance, evolve and adjust itself to a new environment. Similar concept applies to the machines we work with. Like in our day to day life we used to have horse carts long back in the 18th century for transportation and now that same thing has evolved in form of cars, motorcycles,etc. and as this world is evolving simultaneously and even rapidly, these non-living beings are being given new evolution in form of consciousness by us (the human beings) in form more generalized as intelligence which we these days know as Artificial Intelligence.

IBM Watson won Jeopardy (Photograph: Ben Hider/Getty )
Ke Jie after being defeated by AlphaGo
As the computing power of chips is growing day by day, the machines are getting more computation power to learn and make themselves more intelligent. As many of us know that on May 11, 1997, an IBM computer called IBM ® Deep Blue ® beat the world chess champion after a six-game match: two wins for IBM, one for the champion and three draws. And around 10+ years later IBM computer Watson won Jeopardy game against a human each time(mind the years in the evolution process). Again in 2017 Google AI(AlphaGo) defeated human Go champion.

So, we can see that the time stamp is just decreasing exponentially and the intelligence in machines is increasing more and more.These
intelligence is gained by the machines by mimicing the human neural unit called neuron about which we will discuss in any other blog post.

These days we have become pseudo cyborgs as almost 99 percent of people having smartphones rely on it for our day to day work. Just our ability to interact with these smart and enhanced machines without any use of our motor skills(i.e., using hands and fingers, etc) is lacking. 

The future of evolution can prophesied as being more efficient in controlling these machines just as we do control our hands and legs , and not relying on our motor skills to interact with these machines.

Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
