Hacking and Curing the Human Brain!

Image Courtesy: Global health news wire

Hacking and Curing the Human Brain!

Hi all, we know that its been a while since we posted anything on this blog but we were searching for just the required quality news in the technological world. And guess what we have it for you guys. 
So, what if we say that in the coming years we humans will likely to be freed from most of the brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and also from Epilepsy and other seizure disorders? Yes, this is going to be true! This all comes down to a man named Elon Musk, who is more commonly known to the world as the Tony Stark of real life, who is progressing at a much faster rate to make this a reality with his company Neuralink.

Now, lets see each and every detail step by step as what is the idea and how can we use it.

The Primary Goal :

The primary and the most important goal of this technology will be to help people with paralysis to regain independence through the control of computers and mobile devices as our devices are designed to give people the ability to communicate more easily via text or speech synthesis, to follow their curiosity on the web, or to express their creativity through photography, art, or writing apps.

Hence, connecting the brain to our devices will help not only the people with brain disorders to communicate easily but also the other people to use the computer technology easily by just thinking.

Some Background (Technical) :

As there are about 86 billion neurons in our brain which send and receive information with such a high rate that makes for us possible to move, think, feel and sense.

A neuron generally have 3 parts:

  1. a Dendrite, which receives a signal, 

  2. a Cell body called a Soma which computes the signal, and 

  3. an Axon which sends a signal out.

a neuron image
Source: here

These neurons are connected with each other in our brain through axon-dendrite connections called Synapses.

So, the Action potentials cause synapses to release neurotransmitters. These small molecules bind to receptors on dendrites, opening channels that cause current to flow across the neuron’s membrane. When a

picture depicting action potential in nerves
 neuron receives the ‘right’ combination of spatiotemporal synaptic input, it initiates an action potential. 

Hence, we can place electrodes near the neurons in order to detect action potentials and recording from many neurons allows us to decode the information represented by those cells in the movement-related areas of the brain, for example, neurons represent intended movements, where there are neurons in the brain that carry information about everything we see, feel, touch, or think


Below comes the interesting part which itself is fascinating as well as seems to be impossible to the general public.


Connecting the Brain with the Computer :

image showing LINK chip implantation
Source: Screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET

As we know that getting a major part of such neurons damaged is catastrophic for any human brain. Hence Neuralink has designed the first neural implant (which is yet to undergo human trials) that will let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go just by using your brain.

Isn't that fascinating? Wait, there's more fascination to come by.

These Micron-Scale Threads are actually inserted into areas of the brain that control movement. Each thread contains many electrodes and connects them to an implant, the Link (which is a sealed, implanted device that processes, stimulates, and transmits neural signals). You can see the chip (LINK v0.9) below:

Image of LINK chip
Source: Screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET

Also each small and flexible thread contains many electrodes for detecting neural signals which by using a compact inductive charger wirelessly connects to the implant to charge the battery from the outside.

And as the threads on the Link are so fine and flexible that they can’t be inserted by the human hand. Instead, Musk's company has built a robotic system that the neurosurgeon can use to reliably and efficiently insert these threads exactly where they need to be.

Hence, in coming years this will be a boon for many people with brain disorders.

But for now as the human trials are yet to begin, here is a short computer representation of the brain signals which this chip detects from the brain(which is experimented on many of the pigs).

But, what extra can you do with this? Continue below to read.



Use your iOS Device by only thinking !

image of neuralink app
Source: here

Musk's company has made the Neuralink app (currently for only iOS devices) that would allow you to control (using the bluetooth connection) your iOS device, keyboard and mouse directly with the activity of your brain, just by thinking about it.

And the possibilities in the future are seemless. But it raises a very important question that is it safe to use ?



Future Risks: Can one be given an easy Death by this or be controlled by others?

[Caution: This content is for the risks that will come with the chip named "Link" and we are not responsible for any damage that a person can cause by the means described below]

So, in our world where there is always an evil ,that is present to destroy what the humankind has made for the sake of the world, by using the loop holes in the system to hack and destroy it.

Well, we can think of a scenario where a hacker with malicious intent wants to kill a person. And Link can be of great use for him. As this is just a chip which controls the human activities using the signals from the brain and using it do a particular tasks so it can easily be tampered with by this hacker to do any illegal tasks which he wants to do by having a shield of the other human for not getting caught!

Also, maybe this chip(Link) functionality can be disturbed by the interfering radio waves by another person which can ultimately lead to Internal Brain Hemorrhage in the person's brain with the implant!

But, as this technology is not world wide spread yet and we are yet to get an implant, its a long way ahead when this might be of a concern to the humans.
Also, if you are interested to know more about it you can watch the video here:

You can check out the reference for today's post here.



A person's mind is so powerful. We can invent, create, experience and destroy things with thoughts alone.


So guys, we hope that you all liked this post. If so, then let us know your thoughts in the comments sections. Also if you want to suggest any technology which we should cover in our blogs do let us know in the comments section.
Hence, with that said, we sign off from today's post. Be safe and keep exploring!